The Cortina Method Practitioner

The Cortina Method or TCM  is a brain-based methodology to resolve trauma.  It utilizes a strategic protocol rooted in neuroscience for effective and efficient outcomes.  The protocol is a multi-step process that does not require reliving or reexperiencing  the trauma.  The Cortina Method involves brain optimization and memory reconsolidation so that, moving forward,  life is experienced in a much more beneficial and desirable way.

  • TCM is a several step process where the practitioner is doing most of the talking, but the guest is an active participant
  • TCM is an experiential process that involves the latest brain-based neuroscience findings, metaphor and storytelling, calming techniques, and more.
  • TCM is designed to get the maximum amount done in the minimum amount of time.
  • TCM is NOT ongoing therapy.
  • TCM sessions are are typically 60 minutes to 2 hours.
  • TCM sessions engage all parts of the brain to update to the present.
  • TCM sessions do not require re-living past trauma to resolve it.

The first step in the process is a Discovery Call.  The purpose of the Discovery Call is to identify what there is to resolve, determine where the issue is stuck in the system , answer any questions about the process and to set up an appointment for the session.

Contact me via email [email protected] or 260-414-4809 to set up your Discovery Call today!

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Helpful Forms

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